Following a record-setting 2016, the U.S. industrial market held strong in the first quarter of the year. As our Q1 2017 U.S. Industrial Market Outlook Report explores, overall net absorption helped drop the vacancy rate to an all-time low while demand kept new development solid and pushed asking rental rates to an all-time high.

Looking forward, it appears trade policy fears have waned and will not affect supply chains in the near term. This, along with solid economic conditions and the continued need to modernize supply chains, should keep industrial fundamentals robust in the coming quarters.


All in all, 2017 is off to a solid start for U.S. industrial real estate and fundamentals are expected to remain strong with lower vacancies, higher rents and robust activity for the remainder of the year.

For more details on the latest trends in the industrial market, download the Q1 2017 U.S. Industrial Market Outlook Report.