Once banished to the central food court, dining has become much more than a retail afterthought. In our latest 2016 Retail Spotlight Report, Colliers brings together the voices of retail real estate professionals and retail center representatives to deliver insight into food-driven trends and opportunities.

Key takeaways from this report

The rising impact of food in the retail sphere points to a broader lifestyle shift. From specialization to an increased focus on wellness, it will pay for retailers, owners and operators to be examining all the possible implications of this evolution.

Stay tuned for another post in the new year about the next big opportunity we see evolving out of this shift. Hint: it has to do with translating “modern mindfulness” into the built environment.

In the meantime, be sure to download the 2016 Retail Spotlight Report: Appetizer or Entrée? How Food Continues to Fuel Retail.