Industrial: Coming Soon to A Neighborhood Near You
Over the years, industrial occupiers have typically operated in urban areas separate from residential neighborhoods. As the availability of industrial-zoned land in urban cores become scarce, industrial occupiers are moving into the suburbs.
The Sweet Spot – Spec Suites
Constructing speculative suites, or spec suites, has been a common practice by office landlords for the past two years in the Minneapolis- St. Paul metro.
10 Emerging U.S. Industrial Markets to Watch in 2019
The U.S. industrial market is in the midst of the longest period of growth on record. While 2019 looks to be another strong year, a variety of factors points to a tapering off of industrial real estate activity for the country in the coming quarters.
U.S. Flexible Workspace Outlook Report
This report highlights the current state and future trends of the flexible workspace market, how it is impacting both occupiers and investors, and where opportunity exists for our clients.
Where Else is America’s Tech Talent?
Silicon Valley has traditionally been synonymous with American tech, but tech hubs are thriving beyond Palo Alto. Where else in the U.S. are we witnessing significant tech influence?