Colliers - Knowledge Leader
Michelle Cleverdon

Michelle Cleverdon

Senior Vice President, Workplace Advisory

Michelle is a Senior Vice President in the Workplace Advisory practice with a decade of experience in design and consulting expertise. Based out of the San Francisco Bay Area, she leads the team’s business practice within the western region. With a passion for creating meaningful and valuable connections between people, technology and the work environment, Michelle helps create workplaces that help people and business thrive. She focuses on developing transformational spaces that boost employee engagement activity, as well as meet the client’s business goals and objectives. Michelle believes a truly successful workplace is a combination of great design, vital amenities, and organizational engagement that craft the most meaningful employee experiences.

Latest articles

Quick Hits | Changing Workplace Realities
Colliers Quick Hits | Discover why office vacancies are soaring and how hybrid work is reshaping the future. Learn how new workplace dynamics can enhance asset value and durability.
Attributes of the Most Innovative Workplaces Part II: Elasticity and Technology/Visualization
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Attributes of the Most Innovative Workplaces Part I: Purpose and Flexibility
This first piece of a two-part series outlines two specific attributes of the most innovative workplaces: Purpose and flexibility.