February was a short month with long project and to-do lists, but we’re thrilled to bring to you this next episode to kick-off the month of March.
For this month’s episode, we stole some time on Jazmen Johnson’s calendar to discuss diversity, equity and inclusion — specifically within the commercial real estate industry. As the Director of DE&I for ICSC, Jazmen is uniquely qualified to speak to the matter and, within this episode, we discuss the evolution of ICSC as an organization — pandemic-inspired and otherwise — as well as that of the DE&I program within ICSC. She also shares the backstory of ICSC’s Launch Academy: the ICSC Foundation’s newest talent initiative whose goal is to recruit and develop racially diverse college students to get into CRE.
Listen now to learn how a self-proclaimed introvert leveraged networking and other strategies to catapult her career in CRE to where it is today, as well as what is quickly becoming our podcast’s favorite answer to the “if you could be any retail brand, what brand would you be?” question.
Listen to the full podcast below or on Anchor, Apple, Breaker, Castro, Google, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Radio Public or Spotify: