Two global sessions featuring how occupiers are adapting their workplace strategy

Colliers’ Workplace Advisory team hosted two live sessions on the 15th and 16th of December featuring workplace experts from around the world. More than 440 attendees joined to learn more about how businesses are adapting their workplace strategy and implementing new ways of working.

These 60-minute live events included two sets of panelists. Each session included a “Panel Exchange on Emerging Ideas” where top organizational leaders shared their experiences with our audiences.

Session 1 – Moderated by Kate North, Vice President of Workplace Advisory in U.S.

Session 2 – Moderated by Truddy Cheung, Director of Workplace Advisory in APAC

Both sessions featured insights from the two global surveys that the workplace team conducted in 2020. The first was launched in March in response to the pandemic’s impact and to capture initial experiences from working from home. The second survey, launched in September, sought to understand what has emerged after eight months of working from home and how these shifts are influencing a return-to-the-office strategy.

To access the recording for Session 1, please click here.

To access the recording for Session 2, please click here.

In addition, the team collaborated to create a global infographic exploring a comparison of the two surveys findings, as well as sharing how these insights are shaping the future. To download the infographic, please click here.

For more information on “Workplace Trends and Occupier Insights”, visit our global insights page here.